Surprising Everyday Things That Can Age You

Find out about your options for breast enhancement in Marin County

  Here is a list of the surprising everyday habits that can age you. Time to switch up your routine! Certain Foods (Say, what?!) Inflammatory foods (think foods that make you a little hot or look a little red after eating) may accelerate the formation of wrinkles. Here is a […]

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How Long Do Non-Surgical Procedure Results Actually Last?

Data from leading plastic surgery organizations shows that non-surgical cosmetic treatments are more popular than ever. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 13.9 million non-surgical procedures were performed in 2014. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery also found  statistics that non-surgical cosmetic procedures are 520 percent more […]

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Do You Know Your Facts on Botox?

Botox San Francisco

Most people’s concerns with Botox start with either “How long has it been around? Is it safe?” or “How will I look after?” Each year, hundreds of thousands of women and men pay a visit to their derm and go under the needle in the name of smooth, wrinkle-less skin; […]

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Insider Tips on Breast Surgery

You’ve probably heard recently that Modern Family star Ariel Winter had cosmetic surgery. The 17 year old star decided to undergo a breast reduction surgery. “I was 15 years old with [size] F [breasts],” Winter told Glamour’s Jessica Radloff. “How do you navigate that?” Now that Winter has decreased her […]

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Cosmetic Surgery as Back to School Prep?

It’s back to school time. You’ve probably started hearing that phrase everywhere you go – in the supermarket, in the mall, in the bookstore. It’s a reminder to start thinking about: Who’s carpooling with you this year? Did you get all the supplies on the teacher’s list? Do your kids […]

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Common Cosmetic Procedures Needed After Weight Loss

Losing weight is difficult. That’s a statement most can agree with. There are two general problems for many going through weight loss. The first is that often when the face becomes thinner, from naturally losing weight, it starts to look older (UGH). The second is that unfortunately eating right and […]

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The Quickest Cosmetic Procedures Available

Ever heard of the “lunchtime lift”? This cutesy nickname is given to mini facelifts that can, in theory, be performed during a lunch break from work. In our busy modern world, we’re lucky enough that we can add cosmetic procedures to the list of things that can be accomplished in […]

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5 Plastic Surgery Myths: Fact vs. Fiction

There are many misconceptions and oversimplified ideas circulating about plastic surgery. Maybe you’ve heard gossip from friends or read a snippet from a magazine that left you confused or unsure about various plastic surgery procedure facts. Patients or those considering surgery should keep themselves accurately informed, however. It’s time to […]

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What are the most common cosmetic procedures?

Botox injection

It seems like everyone knows someone (or even themselves) who have visited a plastic surgeon – maybe to get rid of fine lines from age, possibly to increase their cup size, or to get rid of stubborn belly fat. There are so many procedures available now, ranging from non-invasive to […]

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